My Open Letter To Ministry Of Health

 My Open Letter To Ministry Of Health

P.O Box 7272 Nakasero, Kampala Uganda.


Gul-lu RRH announced new CT-scan services amidst questionable quality of services at the department


The general public of Gulu City and Acoli sub-region as abwhole received with happiness the news of CT scan services at the regional referral hospital which has been the most searched for services in Aber Hospital and in kampala over many years.  The department which is well built and equiped with modern Radiology equipments including two ultrasound machines, digital x-ray machine and now the CT-scan with 1 dark room attendant, and two radiographers is operating at half or quarter of it's potential as over many years the quality of it's basic ultrasound scan results has be questioned by many doctors within the facility. On average every mother/patient do more than 2 scans because the scan results from the hospital done by the two radiographers are disowned by the doctors who prefer results from private clinic preferably Pi-Wan Medical Center.  The two radiographers are also said to be always out of their duty station most time. Several attempts was made to address this through the voice of the doctors and nurses to the hospital administrators who kept quiet about this questionable skills of the personels whose scan results are disowned and yet inconveniencing the patients especially disastrous to those patients from distance areas with no enough money to cater for some other services. A number of questions are running in the minds of people;

1) Who are these radiographers whose results are disowned by the doctors within the same hospital? 

2) Are they really qualified ? 

3) Why are their results being disowned/refused? 

4) How can the hospital help the public from constantly seeking for services at private clinics at a cost yet those services are available within the hospital? 

5) Is it an Intentional act to benefit the private facilities or the officers are not qualified?

6) If the basic ultrasound scan results are not acceptable, how horrible will it be for the complex CT-scan ?

Ministry of Health (MoH) and all the stakeholders must intervene, if not people will not benefit from the expensive machines, the government of Uganda is installing at different public facilities!

Lucoromoi 🙏


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